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Speak to one of our dedicated administrators

01905 796 682

MON - FRI: 9:30AM - 3:30PM
(excluding public holidays)

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Thinking of becoming a member but still need convincing of the benefits? Just take a look at some of the fantastic feedback that we have receieved from our members. 

An excellent service, sensible levels of cover, wonderfully managed. I am so pleased we signed up this system up all those years ago.

Scheme Member

On every occasion the team were extremely helpful and professional. They made the authorising and organising of consultations, scans, operations, and physiotherapy sessions stress free.

Scheme Member

I found the staff at Bluline absolutely fantastic and very empathetic and they helped me to achieve what I needed to at what was a very worrying time.

Scheme Member

I’ve had cause to use the Bluline Health Scheme for differing health issues. On every occasion the members of the team were extremely helpful and professional.

Scheme Member

For the peace of mind of knowing we have a medical health support Scheme available, which also covers our optical and dental treatment, it is invaluable. I was in a situation where I was likely to be in a wheelchair within 12 months, but through the private surgeon support I am now mobile with a positive future ahead.

Scheme Member

Everyone I have dealt with is very supportive and they make the claims process easy and quick, so I have been able to return to work and support my family.

Scheme Member

My family and I have had absolutely superb service and support. The friendliness and empathetic understanding of the staff cannot be praised enough.

Scheme Member

I had an MRI in March and then had some physiotherapy to try and rectify to the problem. I was still experiencing issues so I then had surgery in the June. If I had gone via the NHS then I may have still been waiting in June for a consultation.

Scheme Member

Bluline provide peace of mind that your family are going to be given medical care or intervention if required. It is fabulous value for money as you cannot put a price on what they have done for my family.

Scheme Member
Call centre woman

Call us to join now

For more information or to become a member call and speak to one of Bluline's dedicated administrators or submit your enquiry and we’ll get back to you.

  • Simple to join
  • No medical examination required and minimal form filling
  • Excellent value for money 

01905 796682

Monday to Friday 9:30am - 3:30pm (excluding public holidays). 
If calling outside these hours, please leave a messge and we will get back to you.